Friday, August 26, 2005

STOP TINKIN OF HM.STOP TINKIN OF HM.STOP TINKIN OF HM.ok,gd.get hm out of ur head.tats better.last nite,dreamt of hm..which i rili duno y..out of many tings i must dream of hm..wataver..nt ma luck last nite..i rili2 wanan ferget hm..even by bein frens wif hm,it'll onli make me suffer a lot..blah3..get to dat ltr..2dae's trainin was ok,though to sum nt at all..want to police heritage centre..rili nice,guide was oso nice..learn a lot..i especiali like da guns,fascinatin ehk..other than dat,i wil be damn bz d anext few weeks..i got to plan bout da psl thingy,crackin ma brains to create cheers..oso got da np lecture to,da most major thing..malay day like so-called in charge of da taridra...its like a musical like dat..nice2..cun wait to plan fer it..i oso hav ma pk course cumin up,2 days wif ful u on..aiyoyoyo thambi..sept hol sumore,then da next dae is malay day camp..haish..jgn stress mcm dat time suda..ish3..wel,at least it'll keep me bz to not tink of dat guy..and so,durin recess time when i was so excited bout plannin da taridra,dat bitch spoiled ma mood..wat happened?i was walkin to da kantin wif zin..then,those bitches walked pass..i didnt realise it at firz dat zila was starin at me..then,zin told me n i was lukin at her..obvious siak dektu stare aku semcm..tros api kemarahan meluap siak!i was explodin wit anger!zin dah suro chill..tros tkder mood sak satu ari...wataverlah ehk...i've oreadi made up ma mind..its hard fer me to make tish i hav to..demi kebahagian org lain..cey..ooh gona ignore hm,nt gona reply his msges,or even pick up his calls if he ever calls me..dats wat she wants rite?kalo brani sngt,nape tk ckp dpn2 yg kau tk suke aku??dasar bdk tech,bitches..kau kutuk aku,skrg aku kutuk kau plak grateful he didnt noe bout ma feelins fer hm!be grateful dat i didnt let hm noe bout it!n be rili grateul dat i didnt ruin ur relationship!!juz duno wat wrong i've done..jealosy?dats childish..even if i tel hm bout it,i dun tink he wld even do anitin bout it..limit2 die ckp his gurl is nt matured yet,dun hav to worry bout it..he'll noe hw to handle use..easiest way?back,juz back off..end of feelins wun cum in between..


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