Wednesday, September 07, 2005

wel oh wel..ahaikz..a few days since i updated ma bloggie.been kinda of bz lately co zof ma taridra tingy..darn! juz nw was a bit stressing at firz directin da ppl on their roles coz its like ma firz time doin tis kind of eqa(i hope u r readin ma blog), sori i didnt listen to ur comments bout ma script. juz dat i satyed up late til 12+ to finish da script.then,when u guys commented dat i need to make a lot of changes, i was like tired to change it sowie yarh..but if u're nt readin tish, i'll stil b apologisin to u aniwae.damn,ma attitude was bad juz nw..! kk..overall da practice was fairly ok uh wit da help of dila. then afta hafway doin da second part of da script, we joined da dikir ppl..doin all those steps..nice2..hahax..another thing,tahnk you so much zin fer praisin me of ma singin voice!!ahaikz..though i noe i hav to make a lil bit chnages bout da way i stil! khekeke..kembang uh tu..cey..i mean da onli ppl hu puji ma voice were ma adik2,hm and mayb ma voice is juz ok2 jek kot..eleh, nk rendah diri konon! aiyoyo thambi! so then, afta da mitin we all went to mac to eat. then,farah n hanisah left tgl me,zin,dila,hisham n dilly..we tok bout hair trends lah, our conflicts, blah3..lots more lah.nice2..lps tu, i went to zin house to lepak jap..we practised our dikir barat plus singin our lungs out..cey..skali, mummy called to i reached home at 7.30 like dat uh..blah3..and so,dat show ma day goes..khekeke..


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