Wednesday, January 02, 2008


i miss my boyfriend.badly.

last night i asked him to wake me up at 11.50p.m. because i wanted to do my assignment.then he gave a wake up call lah.and suddenly,i don't feel like doing my assignment.malas beb.tkde mood pun i told him i wld do it 2ml morn,which is today lah.and he said that i won't do it because i'll be doing other redundant things instead of doing my assignment.but i assured him that no,i will definitely do it as soon as i reach school.he gave up after trying 7625341 times to get me to start on my assignment.aku rase die sakit hati ah.sape tk bingit kalo dpt matair yg tknk dngr kate.

and,well..he was right.i did not start on my assignment as soon as i reach school.instead,im here now writing an entry on my blog.heehee.procastination.procastination.but.i will start on it after i finish this. don't believe me meh?

serious.i will start as soon as i finish writing this entry.


anyway,new year is here.2007 had been a good and not so good year for me.all i want for 2008?for things to be much,much better than they are resolution?i think i'll keep that to myself.*winks*

and if any of you wants a detailed entry of cende's bbq,you can go to my multiply.don't forget to comment and take steal pictures ok.thank you.

and,and im a happy,happy girl because writcom's info essay deadline is being extended,extended.
oh,how i love my writcom lecturers.

happy new year people.ok,bye.


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