Friday, December 28, 2007

.for the last time.


changed layout.this time its a lil bit loud and noisy.don't you think so?
yah i know my layout is damn nice.
thank you,thank you for the compliments.
and thank you for the tags too.
i read ok.
i just don't bother to reply to them.

now,its time for a proper update.

lets see.i've had so many events happening since the term break started.but i think i'll start from last friday.hmmm.

last friday we had our store meeting and spring cleaning. store meeting held at sb-ct.woah.their floor like damn spacious cn?i think can play catching,,hadee and alif reached dere first.i shldnt have followed them sey.because right,we had to wait 2 hrs before everyone else came.-_-"
still,had fun with meeting was a bit all ended well with the xmas gift exchange.and guess what i got? ralph lauren shirt lah sey! thank you izad!you're the best lah!after that,we all went back store and slacked arnd fer awhile before starting on our spring,hadee and hairi had to clean out the job done i guess.left early at 2 and got back to mel's house fer an overnight stay.i cldnt really sleep.onlygodknowswhy.but i finally did at 4+a.m.

then on saturday.Piala Khatulistiwa.finally the much awaited day arrived.after playing scriptwriter,i had to take care of the emcees on the day itself.and im sorry perm and hakim if i didnt pay much attention to you guys.overall,the event was a successful one although it was a tad too long.and yes.i had to be behind the curtain all the time.which means that i have to watch all 23 what did i do in the end?i slept on the floor behind the curtain everytime a group performed.pat wau bulan jek tros terbgn.mcm wake up call sey.after all that is over,ate at al-azhar.and finally,home sweet home. :)

oh.and the next day,the family went back kampung fer a night's stay.the morning after,we headed out to the Gunung Ledang Waterfalls.and the water was damn cold i loved it.had a great time with them.some family bonding session huh.

and what did i do for the rest of the days?rot at work.assignments left untouched.i did nothing.but rot at home.tsk,tsk.

yesterday,cende had a bbq at kak serlyna's condo.had good times.i'll post more bout it.afta i got more photos from adee.

ok,that's it.done.
quite a lengthy post don't you think?
at least i updated,right?

and i believe its still the christmas period,no?
so here's wishing you a Merry Christmas.
and a Happy New Year?
that'll have to wait.

new year.

i haven't thought of a resolution yet!


i don't know if its just me.
but i feel that things are becoming different now.
and i don't think i like it.


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