Tuesday, June 26, 2007

.the after effects.

mornin ppl.its 11.25a.m.i'll only have lesson at 2 ltr.woke up at 10,doodled with the comp,bathed and here i am.im bored.when im supposed to be doin other more important thangs.like studyin fer ma photoshop&dreamweaver test which is worth 20%.deng.

yest was the first day of scool afta the two week break.a total drag,i tell you.i was practically yawning all the way thru lectures.i wonder why.was it the flu pill i took the nite before?nah.woke up late.a gd thang daddy sent me to scool.heh.

oh.nid i tell you bout my common test results?deng.oklah,i failed both PRMACO(marketing) and MEDSOC(media society).i got a big fat 'F' on my PRMACO paper.thanks lah ehk.and,yah.i did fail my MEDSOC.disappointing,yes.bt i only hav myself to blame.i didnt even study much fer both papers.sheesh~i dun bother to tel mummy,much less the boyfriend.though i tink he'll be reading this.yes,i am going to buck up.fer gdness sake,i've nvr performed this bad in sec scool before.isk.

yah,and i tink im gona stop here and start doin something else.shit!i tink i just lost my thumbdrive!deng!oh,sorry.bye-bye semue.


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