Wednesday, May 02, 2007

.on a much lighter note.

"kewibawaan seorang ahli politik tidak harus bergantung pada kehidupan peribadinya."

tell me the *toot* am i supposed to research bout tis?wats more,im the opposition side.oh, those who suddenly sumhow stumbled into my blog,i am actually involved in mcc(malay cultral club) under language department and we are now cncentrating on debate.which explains the title above.and in which i dun bother to explain/translate wat it means.sorry aite.coz i myself dun catch it either!

hah.i hav at least an hr half to complete tryin to find sum politic guy to research on.toodoo.toodoo.and,yes.i noe im not supposed to b blogging rite tis min.-_-".what the heck.i'll find sumtin soon.its nt like i dun hav pending assignments to get done and over with.sheesh~

oh,school's ok fer me.i just nid to catch up on PRMACO.and finish up my CATS assignment.and meet up members fer WEBGRA and complete milestone 1.and lookin ferwerd to upcoming project/assignments.doesnt sound so hard eyy.i tink i can get used to this.hmmm.

on a much lighter note.a text message last nite really put a smile on my face the whole day.

"yazid miss irma.irma must miss yazid okay?"

yes luv.of course lah,irma always miss yazid ok.*blush*


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