Tuesday, April 24, 2007

.rainy days.

huhu.im in scool now havin break.class doesnt start till 2. web graphics here i come!-_-"i duno how i'll b able to understand dat module.isk.oh,and now im sittin wit kiki,izam,shazni,and shafrin.the guys have been laughing away at pictures of gurls in frenster.tsk2.and one is playin counter strike.hmmm.

so.i finished GRACOM way early today.im supposed to finish at 1 but we were released at 11.30.waited fer bob and off we went to canteen to eat.shazni and shafrin joined us.its hard being the only gurl in the group.them havin guy talk in which i can onli shake my head in resignation.tsk2.haha.bt its fun being arnd them.yah.

last nite tis guy frm malay cultural club(mcc) called me up. he's under the bahasa department. and asked if im interested to be involved in bahas(debate).bcoz dey r now cncentrating on preparing fer the upcoming Bahas 4pm.i was like,yeah why not.and of cos i was excited. i'd always wanted to b in bahas.onli dat we nvr had one in sec sch.so,yah.yey fer me!haha.

ok.gues im done here.shafrin is crooning to jiwang songs.help!!sumbody pls shut him up!ok,go.bye-bye!

p.s: oh,how i just love rainy days.miss you gler.*blush*


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