Wednesday, April 18, 2007

.25 days.

ok, currently blogging usin my home pc.-_-"".ok.bcoz i was so fucked up over my macbook last nite.i had internet network connections and the onli website i can go to is the,what the *toot*.even havin problems wit msn too.nt dat i care so much bout it.since im so lazy to even chat wit ppl nwadays.

third day of scool.i must say,i was gettin a bit tensed up oreadi.bcoz im takin GRACOM(graphic comm) tis semester.which includes web graphic design and all those thangs dat's got to do wit designin usin a software.esp. the designin website part.wahh.i tink even the idiot's guidebook cun help me.hah.ok,bedek.bottomline is,mass comm is a lot tougher than i thought.sheesh~

so.i hav sports & wellness as my IS(interdisciplinary studies) module tis sem.and.i chose to take up soccer as my s&w module.hmm.nt dat im rili pro in it.the last time i played street soccer was..erm,lets just say the other team members were im nt an idiot in soccer,nt like in web graphics.ok,shoo.they are two very different thangs in the firz can i even cmpare them?haiyak.-_-".'s like the last day to join in cca.and,well.i've joined in 3 and wil b joinin in one more.wahh.kiasu btol.hehex.join fer fun onli mah.

Malay Cultural Club- sounds interesting u noe.dey hav drama,dance,language and tinkin of joinin under drama and lang.hmmm.and since i've got too much eng in my course(if u noe wat i mean),mcc can b an avenue fer me to expand my malay culture.haha.bobl mcm phm.

Poly Stage F'Actor- another cca involving theatre and musicals.tis one join juz fer fun.i've always had a thang fer theatre u see.though i've nvr been involved in one.hmm.

The Adventure Seekers- this is where u wil get a chance to go overseas like johor.hehe.mostly campings or hiking up the mountains and stuff like dat.decided to join tis coz i want to b involved in sumtin vigorous or tough.bsides,dey hav cute guys(frm wat i heard) and a few of hkss seniors are in it.yey~hehe.

SgNewWave- sumtin to do wit FMS scool.basically promote local movies,interview media professionals,organise events and etc.kewl huh.hehe.

other than dat.been hanging out wit hkss peeps durin break time.mostly wit hisham and kiki of cos.see,we're stil bonded ok.haha.ok,shucks.tis has been a very detailed entry.long time nvr write like dis.and i hav assignment due 2ml.i beta get off supposed to b takin a short nap now.ZzZzz..ok,go.bye!


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