Friday, March 16, 2007


wow.this is the first time since i started werkin dat i actoali hav nothin important to tend to.i can actoali happily rot at home.and sorta revive the feeling of ultimate boredom.wahh.mcm phm jek. not werkin 2dae.the siblings are having their everyone is practically doin nutin.or so i thought.i juz spent the whole aftanoon reading books and crooning to wataver song dat comes out at the perhaps i should at least update a lil of this blog.and get a change of blogskin.hmmm.

truthfully,i hav absolutely zilch to tok bout.nutin's excitin been has been very routine lately.i heard sum ppl are oreadi preparing fer their poly/jc enrolment.and i hav yet to receive my enrolment package.or isit bcoz i havent had time to check the letterbox?hmmm.

and im stil in a state of shock.dat she has a new boyfriend.and sounds so serious bout it.frm wat i noe,she's nvr been like dat fer the whole 6 years i've known her.oh, farah actoali in luv?or isit juz me makin a big hoo-ha(sp?) over it?hmmm.

school is starting.yes.i hav to start preparing fer it.buyin a new bag,new textbooks(if dere's ani) and whatnot.and,yes.i need a new spectacles!i lost it sumtime ago durin a trip to msia.and i've been very potek ever since.i tink its gettin werse.coz everyting is oreadi a blur at a short distance.oh2.or shld i try wearing cntact lens?hmmm.

thank you my dear reader(s) fer spending sum of ur precious time to read tis entry yang tkde gettin bored here.bye all.


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