Saturday, March 03, 2007

.so much fer being the best.

helo beautiful im gona write an entry bout tips on how to excel in wataver important exams u're taking tis yr.huahuahua.mcm phm lah least,tis was wat i did last yr.sum of us may hav doen tis before.ok,here goes:-

1. firstly,i planned out my own personal study timetable arnd march last a headstart,you see.
2. i tried my best to at least revise one chapter from one subject every nite.i didnt noe if it'll help durin o lvls.but it certainly helped durin da class tests.
3. i did every assignment and practice papers thrown by teachers wit effort.
4. and i tried hard to cncentrate during lesson time despite havin any personal cmplications or even stil,gettin all sleepy.
5. and,yarh.i gues havin group discussions and helping my frens wit their scoolwerk did help me improve in sum ways.

but u noe wat,you hav to put ur heart and mind to it.get wat i mean?like if u do a study timetable but u dun follow it,wats the point rite?and when it cums to cncentrating on ur academics,you hav to throw away wataver bothering's ur mind.seriously.haha.start ur revision dat u wun hav to cramp everyting in the last min.u'll juz hav to browse thru everything again.get it?ok,ppl.dats all.huahuahua.

oh.and yah.haish.i miss zaki lah.and i miss abg farid.and i miss abg masri.and i miss abg hamdan.and i miss abg dany.and i juz miss all the riders.and i juz miss their kecohness.and i juz miss their jokes and laughter.i juz miss their lively presence.that nvr fails to make me smile.and i juz miss zaki lah.

all bcoz of one stupid change.that changed everything overnite.its unfair.very micheal gian and mr john lock,so much fer having the best pizzas under one roof.pfft.

p.s: gler!i love you very,very strong ok?


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