Thursday, February 15, 2007

.out of reach.

its been a week since the results last friday.
and i still haven't posted a thang regarding the results.
i've been werkin lah.
long busy hours.
which is threatening to kill me anytime soon.
and the heartache.
wah,can die hor.

here's my results.

im proud to put them up here.
bcoz i rili didnt expect to score that high.
at least higher than my prelims.
and fer the firz time since i-duno-when
i hav not a single C grade in my report slip.

L1B4: 12

L1R5: 15

English: B3

Mathematics: A2
Additional Mathematics: B3
Humanities: B3
Combined Science: A2
Biology: B4
Malay: A2

and of course.

my firz choice is mass communications.
plus 11 other choices which i anyhow choose.
im grateful and contented.
no regrets or watsoever.
bcoz i didnt even study dat hard fer o lvls.
at least nt as hard as i did fer prelims.

oh,and gurl.

i noe everyone has been tellin u dat
ada hikmah di sebaliknya.
but,u rili wana noe the hikmah?
we can actoali end up in the same poly!
one last thang.
tis is not a date.
if it is,i'll kill myself oready.
im done here.

i duno wat to do animore.
shld i juz give up?
or cling onto another grain of hope
dat sumhow,a miracle will happen
bt which,seems so bleak.


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