Thursday, January 11, 2007

.a reason fer everything that happens.

im sick.i've been so since tue.all bcoz i got caught in da rain while on the way to werk.and probably due to the flu virus which i got frm bro.thanks lah ehk.i got 3 days mc.wah,like finali i cn rest all i gettin beta now,wit onli a slight fever and sorethroat left.i juz hope i can get the off day i wanted on sat coz i rili nid it.i rili hav to go out on sat.haish.

aniway,i read lydia's blog tis aftanun.she did a reflection bout 4A in shld go read it.hers has more points than mine.i laughed all the way reading her reflection.haha.oh,and here's the awaiting bowling pics that sum ppl here.

i seem to hav a lot of tags during ma absence.sorie if i havent been replyin to them aite.oh,to farah.u seem to b havin a great time at fer,im not jealous of u or that u're enjoyin jc life now.(not that im gona join jc wit u ltr.) i juz envy ur life now.oh,heck.i'll be free frm all the busy schedule in a mth's time.til then,i'll juz hav to live life day by day.i tink?

if loving someone means havin to hurt oneself,
what worth is the love at all?


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