Sunday, January 07, 2007

.enough said.

hello world.its a sunday.and im goin off fer werk ltr.2ml's mon and i hav werk to attend. sigh.hw i wish i cn turn back time.i miss school lah sey.boohoo.

i wasnt in da best of moods last nite.i didnt even smile and laugh when da riders tease not as much as kecoh as i usuali am arnd them.and abul keep teasing me wit ali.wats up wit dat? juz bcoz ali says im cute doesnt mean we hav anitin goin on.i can tolerate da guys' crap.but nt last

haish.mayb im juz pissed dat now bestie's quit her job,i hav more werk to do which equals to longer hrs spent at pizza hut.or mayb i juz miss dear gler.its hard balancing time between family and him.i dun easily get offs frm werk.i dun spend much time wit da family.nor am i wit him,having onli mitin each other once a week.or werse,once every fortnight.sigh.or mayb im just pms-ing.dat cld explain my mood swings last nite.

i duno wat more to write.werk's been beginnin to love the ppl,i duno.i juz miss my normal life.slacking arnd.goin out.gettin bored all the time.oh,well.enough said.i'll update again.when dere's sumtin significant.

p.s: shucks! i fergot to upload da bowling photos!


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