Thursday, December 21, 2006

.getting on with the show. here,im here.haha.i haven't been online fer a couple of days.and when i i finali log in into ma acc. and checked my blog+bloghopped,i suddenly feel so outdated lah.its like im readin da entries frm yesterdays.haha.bestie even had posted 3 entries in da last 2 days and im nt even aware of it lah.haha.where the hell did she find the time?sheesh.

ok,so.last two days hav been training fer both me n gundu deng2.da firz day was boring since it was all bout theory.made even more when loo(the manager) had asked us to read out loud wataver dere is on da thick file.feels like we're in secondary primary school.

hwever,da second day of training was beta.since loo was nt arnd,another manager,ahmad yazid(muz his name be yazid?) was supposed to guide us,no.he left the job to eliza but eventually tis kak dilla finali took over.da cashier part was especially hard bcoz we keep fergeting/mixing up wat keys to press when.they say it takes time to get used to it.i just hope it'll be soon.we got our uniform yest,bought ma black werking pants and today im resting at home coz i hav to werk full shift much fer firz day of werk.gee~

im still excited bout werkin 2ml though im kinda wary of da guys/riders dere.dey got miang-miang sikit.or isit very-very miang.hahax.wataver it is,i noe da ppl dere are gona be lotsa fun and i noe im gone hav a great time dere.insyallah.

ok2.enuf bout da werk i do.wait,u guys dun even noe wat werk i do and where ma werkplace is.haha.nvm,ferget it.gosh,it suddenly dawned on me dat its been 2 weeks since a last date out wit wonder he was askin fer one tis too bad,im now werkin baybeh.hehx.ok,it is bad.i admit,i actoali miss him terribly now.isk.and i thought dat afta our major exams are over,everythang wil be back to i guess not.oh,well.we'll definitely take a day off frm all da pizza business and spend all day wit each other.i jzu wonder when.hmm. more my dear ex 4A,dere'll be a gathering on da 28th juz
fer a lil get together before da new yr starts.uhuh.details wil be up,stay tuned aite.haha.i'll end here then.thank you dear reader(s) fer spending time reading tis super long entry.heex.bye all.


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