Tuesday, December 12, 2006

.back to basics.

im back!!!yes,i am.wit a more decent and happier post.so wat if im feelin troubled and goin thru all da emotional rollercoasters.as if anione wld care if i rant bout it here.so,yeah.a happy post tis entry wil be.(im sorry.i seemed to hav forgotten all da synonyms fer da werd happy.gues ma mind is now caked wit mud and water.hahx.)
ok2.went out wit my dear gundu deng2 today.a gurls day out cum job hunting session.terrific time we had as usual.i'll skip all da failed job enquires.includin da one where we had to explore a bit of beach rd,arnd da raffles hotel dere.bcoz dey either want permanent employees or workers above 16 or dey do not want students like us hu r waitin fer results.pfft.we ended up applyin at toys r us at suntec and forum again.thank god da n level results wil be out next mon.bcoz by then almost all da students werkin while waitin fer their n lvl results wil be quittin their jobs.haha.ok,im kidding.oh,sidetrack a bit.best of luck to those gettin their n levels next mon.nt onli u guys,bt me too will be anticipatin da day.of cos,i hav my own reasons.

rite.back to story.there was tis time when we were applyin at toys r us forum,where i juz cun stop laughin.funny incident.haha.dere was tis mly(??) guy who's dark-skinned and blonde.he was tokin on da phone bout sum customer orderin goods from that outlet.i gues da person on da other line cldnt hear him coz he kept repeatin his werds.since he was at da frnt of da service counter,we cld hear almost everythang dat he saed.here's wat he saed:

'mr's Banfield.'
'N for Norway.'
'F for frog.'
'F for frog.'
'u noe frog?'
'F for frog.'

i swear i cldnt contain my laughter.i was laughin rite in frnt of him.he probably heard it coz he then turned his back on us.hahaha.i went out of da store and left bestie alone inside.i laughed outside.i jzu cldnt take it.da way he spoke on da phone was so cute n funny.haha.was da person on da other line deaf or wat?im even giggling as im writin tis down now.hilarious lah.esp da part where he kept repeating 'F for frog.'gosh.as if dere's no other werd dat begins wit F.hahaha.ok,stop it irma.hahahaha.

afta dat,we chilled at coffee bean.im broke again now afta buyin da pure choc ice blended.all thanx to gundu deng2.isk.before headin home,she treated me to old chang kee.i gues she probably wanted me to gain as much weight as her.seriously,we ate a lot today.hah.

other than dat,my long-time fren,amalia,sent me an sms tellin me how excited she was upon receiving my letter.yes,im back to letter writing again.old-fashioned i noe.bt,hey.its da one thang dat can keep our frenship alive.

and recently,i've been keeping a diary.where i pen down my innermost emotions.i used to keep a few diaries before i started blogging.bt,well.online diaries are open to everyone in da werld.i dun want strangers to noe bout ma life.and wats more wit hate taggers accumulating in the blogging werld nwadays.tsk.

tis entry's gettin longer and longer.i hav to stop now.here's wat u get when i dun update fer many days.pictures wil up soon ok.lil sis's makin a hell lot of a noise,wantin to watch tv at tis lcd screen.urgh.im gone.bye all!


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