Sunday, December 03, 2006


i have a new bestfriend!i hav a new bestfriend! big deal dere.haha.n he saed he'll msg me again on da 6th bcoz he doesnt want his bill to go up.haha.touching.aniway,i woke up at 11 today.bcoz i slept at 1 last nite watchin kungfu movie.i've been goin on movie marathons nwadays.

mummy bought tis indon cd bawang merah bawang putih.i gues dats da one dat nadd's been watchin.mummy bought da episodes 25-28.its da part where bawang merah got ferdi.n their daddy's stil not switched to da rite one.gosh.these indon dramas rili can cause high blood pressure.& i mean,dere's tis bad guy whose character name is benny(??).he plays da bad guy but he's so cute lah.sumtin bout him attracts me.his bad boy image probably.oh,i'll jzu be lukin out fer him whenever i watch da drama.

as of today,im tinkin of watchin rempit & heart again.heart is so touching.i feel like crying again.haha.& i gues i've been influenced by gler.da reason y im so eager to watch rempit now.gosh~

i'll be gone fer bye!and im stil waitin fer da phonecalls.hmm.


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