Friday, November 24, 2006

.ok,hello. finali.i've juz finished updatin da chalet photos.painstakingly,in fact.hish.aniwaes,i had a great time at da so grateful everyting went on smoothly.more than fine's ma long2 story ok.

wait.on second thought,im tired n lazy to update every single detail bout da whole chalet tingy.u guys juz luk at da 100 pictures dat were taken uh.hehe.

oh.da most fun part muz b durin da time when everyone played wit da fire sparklers(bunga api).its like every single person in da clas participated in da playin.& everyone was excited bout takin pics durin dat time.& hu's camera bt nt mine's dat was da victim.haha.then,me n bestie started takin pics while jumpin.n suddenly everyone was doin da same was hilarious lah dey.we had loads of fun.these times dat wil make me laugh whenever i luk back on it.

the most memorable one wil b durin da sharing session.i called up elakeyaa n put on loudspeaker so everyone cld was touching.i miss you gurl!then,we called ben.we r glad he's gettin on fine.i rili miz him u noe.lydia cried hearin him tokin on da phone.we wish u all da best boy.i dun remember when we became so bonded wat i noe is dat i dun ever want tis bond to break.i cherish tis relationship so much that i wun ever wana let go of it.luv u ppl of 4A!

ok2.i'll stop here.da pics are usual.enjoy seein them done here.bye all!


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