Tuesday, November 14, 2006

.as painful as it is wonderful.

hello.im back.wit a better mood?nt rili.so i fought wit him.it was supposed to b ma fault.bt i didnt wana admit it.bcoz it wasnt entirely ma fault.yes.fer once,im bein sucha bitch towards him.i've hurt him.he's hurt me.fair enuf.dun put all da blame on me.n u dun hav to apologise n take all da blame juz to stop da fight.im so not done yet.

on a lighter note.a maths ppr was ok.dere were onli a few qns dat were difficult.it was easier than prelims i muz say.jzu hope fer da best lor.other than dat,i had a great time jalan-ing raya wit da exp ppl.it was fun,fun,fun.it was kecohrable.n,well.da guys r such camwhoring freaks.gosh~we went out on sat n sun.i wasnt as semangat on sun coz nt many tag along.it wasnt as fun as sat.nevertheless.dere r pictures fer da sat outing.click here.thank you.as fer da sun,i'll jzu present you wit 2 group photos.

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oh.did i mention dat im broke?yes,like totali.ma collection money didnt even reach 150 dollars.n i used da 100 dollars on ma new hp.great.i cun go shoppin.i cun even treat gler.i so nid to find a job rite away.oh,n i havent paid ma hp bill to mummy fer 2 mths!aaah!i nid da money.ka-ching,ka-ching.cum to me baby.ok2.im done fer nw.til i update again.bye ppl.

sometimes,sorry seems to be the hardest word.


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