Wednesday, October 25, 2006

.salamat ali laya wor!.

hello.hw u ppl doin?yest marks da firz day of hari raya.hw excited i was.woke up slightly late at 9 to help wit da last min usual,i'll b siap-ing da tmpt kuih n keks.then,i'll hav to lyn da guests.witout fail,ma uncle's family frm tampines wil arrive firz thang in da morn afta da hari raya prayers to fill their stomachs.pfft~i was bz da whole da aftanun,i had to go visit another grandmama at pasir,i totali fergot dat i was supposed to kol dear.he was a lil upset?haha.aru mintk maaf,dah uat dosa agi.tsk.

ok.tis is da firz time in all ma yrs of askin fer fergivnes dat i felt like,i didnt cry while askin fer fergivness.i almost did when i saw grandmama cryin durin dat session.touching part.hopefuli she cn live to c da nxt ramadhan.insyallah.

next wil b da collection money part.i like!i love!y not?in one house,dere r many other ppl.collect money all at once.kewl-ness.n ma house wil b packed wit all da aunties n uncles.a perfect time to get duit raye.woohoo~!

bsides dat,one other thang dat i lurve hari raya is bcoz of da ketupat n rendang.yummy.i ate mum's cooking 4 times yest.i jzu cun resist her sambal goreng paru,sambal sotong,rendang negri sembilan n ayam korma.deliciously blissful.aaah~hehe.n i oso ate ketupat at two of da houses visited.yes,i dun care bout ma diet durin hari raya.i wil eat all i much fer maintainin weight durin da fasting mth.hahax.

hwever,our jln raya was cut short due to sum unfortunate cuzzie got into a motor accident.i wun comment much bout it.bcoz i dun like it.i dun like it dat young ppl nwadays r so careless n complacent.dey tink juz bcoz dey oready hav a motor license,dey cn speed all dey want like dey own da rd.gosh~dey dun even tink fer a sec dat their lives are at stake when on da rd.mayb nt even a tight slap wil bring them to their senses.haish.

ok2.enuf bout dat.i heard dat both ma cuzzins sustained serious injuries.i juz hope dat dey'll turn out fine.insyallah.other than dat,tis mth is supposed to b a happy2 enjoy wil b up soon.oh btw,i wear tudung durin hari raya.its like a must in our family.oh,wel.til here ppl.bye all!


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