Tuesday, October 10, 2006

.beginning of an ending.

halo ppl! long time no update.so.here's one fer u.wel,nutin much goin on niwae.saye pun mls nk update blog nie.cnt be bothered lah.i veri bz preparin fer o lvl u noe.haha.cey2~

ok.past few days hav been normal.nutin excitin or significant to rant bout.hari raye nk dkat!yey~!camat hari raye!hehe.scool has been sucha bore.me n bestie not gona cum scool 2ml.waste time onli.haha.sit at home study beta.n da teachers gav us lotsa practice pprs.haiyo~!oh.n i hav a several events cumin up.n i keep mixin up da dates lah.sheesh~

hmm.i seriously hav nutin to tok bout.im nt in a gd mood niwae.emo kot.kwng3~urgh.stupid lah.ok.im gone.bye all.


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