Saturday, September 23, 2006

.wish hard.

i've decided to take a break n update a lil.yeap2.prelims hav been a pfft tis past week.da most difficult pprs r bio n a maths i suppose.a maths which i dun hav much prob in da past,is makin me struggle nw.gdness.i've tried ma best,though sumtimes i juz feel like givin it all,no.i dun wana let dat sumone down.

been to da lib everyday to study.though sumtimes i rili cun cncentrate.dat bob uh.uat klaka tk ingt dunie when its rili time to cncentrate,we rili did.n we've been eatin ljs.did dey put sum addictive substance in it or sumtin?nobody seems to get sick of eatin ljs every single day.gee~n thank gdness i hav ma prelims to keep me least i dun hav to whine n pine over nt havin spendin much time wit i did two weeks ago.oops. last nite,i was smsin wit 3 guys at da same time.firz was den,then ma lup,then izam!gosh~ma fingers were bz all da way rplyin their msgs.i even played a personal game of hu cn reply me back da fastest.hahax.fun2.went to kmpg glam late last nite.fetched daddy then went to eat.then went to mustafa n eat,yah.prelims finishin soon.da pprs arent dat hard fer nxt one.n yarh.i wun b startin fastin,stil.HAPPY FASTING PPL.bye all.

replies to tags:

count: very funny gordon.dat as wel shows da standard of ur eng.dat u even thought hiatus is nt even a werd.hah.

farah:i've taggged.yes2.n ma dear,i tink u've passed ur virus to me.suare gue skrg sengau sih!!aduh~!

zima: yup2.its hard.hahax.ur welcum love.jzu hpe u didnt screw thangs up wit her.
dayak: hello nt fine?i tink i am a bit nw.dun wori luck fer exams dear.n happy fastin to u too.


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