Thursday, September 14, 2006

.breaking free.

hey ppl.havent had anitin much to update actoali.basically coz,nutin's up n im nt feelin so gd mentally.thangs haven't been dat gd btween me n him.da week's cumin to an end.n i've done zero revision.i cun even cncentrate.onli god noes y.its gettin werse.i nid to break free frm all these.fer da sake of ma studies.n fer da sake of..other thangs.i tend to ferget thangs nwadays too.probably jzu too preoccupied.all i ever nid rite nw is fer god to giv me da strength and rite sound of mind to handle imminent obstacles.


thangs to note:

1. lil sis's bday 2ml.
2. malay prelim 2ml.
3. revise fer mly prelim.
4. buy a present fer lil sis.
5. ask mummy fer money.
6. remind daddy bout bday.
7. watch spore idol results show.

p.s: i juz hav to write it down,haven't i?


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