Friday, August 25, 2006

.chocolates make me go hiigghh!!.

afta scool,me n bestie met up at da lib to finish up our a maths ppr.i tel u,tis a maths is rili eatin ma brains out.i fergot a lot of formulas!n i take a long time to finish even a simple qn.gdness.ok,we finished early n headed home.i even reached hm b4 7.whoa~nvr got home dat early frm studyin at lib b4. were walkin at interchange n laughin over sumtin i saed when suddenly,poof~came tis guy standin in frnt of us wavin a file.i noe i noe.he's askin fer,bein da gd mth(syaaban) n me bein da ever-so-nice gurl(ehem2),i donated to him.wat i didnt realise was dat i got tis smudge of choc at ma mouth area n i didnt even realise it.gosh~jath image skejap.heex.n bestie onli told me bout it afta we left.aiyoh~i gues da guy was starin at da smudge of choc while tokin to me.isk.malu kjap.kwng3~

kk.enuf bout dat.jzu sum of da furnie moments we had.weekends here.nutin excitin bout terdiscouraged to go grad nite leh.hw2?im goin chalet.i want da grad nite fees r liek ridiculous leh.waliao.haven't even passed da o lvls,oreadi tink bout grad nite.hahax.wat onli. nt tryin to sound paranoid or wat here(i oreadi am actoali!).bt recently,dere's tis guy hu's been callin ma house whenevr im out.n nvr once did he kol me when im at home!its rili weird k.its liek he noes when i go out.n whenever kak rini says im nt at home,he'll immediately put down da phone.its rili creepin me out k.i dun usuali giv me home no. to any guy.n gler wun kol ma house witout reason.we dun always tok on da phone a way,im scared i wun let paranoia take over.hopefuli.i wana noe hu tis freakin guy is.damnit.

orite.til here.i tink da family's goin out again 2nite?oh,wataver it is.i wana take pichas.lotsa2.wee~n i lurve ma guy.n ma bestie.oh,n everyone else too!hahax.tata.

p.s: chocolates rili make me go hiigghh!!!


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