Monday, August 07, 2006

.juz when the first rays of light shine thru.

hav you ever had tis experience when u thought everythang's back to normal n all ur probs r gone when suddenly ur whole werld cum crashin down when u get to noe da painful truth bout wat others hav been sayin bout u?when these ppl r da ones u thought u cld trust?

wit each obstacle,i bravely cnfrnt it n bcum i cun go on facing each challenge as dey bcum harder n nt dat strong to face them all on ma own.i cun take it ani longer.i've been having a rough week.n nw all these jzu hav to add on to ma depression.

i dun care if ani of u feels dat im tokin bout them.sape mkn cili terase pedasnye.i cun go on.its too painful fer me to express ma sorrows here.wat cn i do?accept wataver is thrown at bout me n jzu keep quiet bout it?i've been patient fer far too long.i juz wish i cld fight its no wil onli add salt to da oreadi bad wounds.

im sorie.i cun carry on.its hurtin me.too much.i cun break down n cry.


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