Sunday, August 06, 2006

.she sleeps with a smile on her face.

i feel so happy 2dae..!weee~!finali,i cld sleep peacefully wit a smile on ma if all da probs hav been washed away.i am happy.i am fine.wee~!

u guys muz b wonderin y im suddenly so happy n nt emo n all.wel,i too duno y.huahuahua.hehe.i gues tokin wit gler on da phone nvr fails to cheer me up.cnfessin to each other as if we r juz beginnin a relationship.alala.we cun help smilin n sighin as we luk back on da old was both fuuny yet heartening at da same time.aww~kk.i'll stop here.i dun wana add to ur nausea readin tis entry.khekeke.

oh,yah guys.i changed da video oreadi.nick changed da,feel free to watch it n cry over gone.hopefully,2ml goes out he says,2ml is a new day.i jzu hope i wun go back to bein depressed n tired of doin dat.memenatkn tau.hehee.ok.bye guys.lup u.muah2.heex.


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