Saturday, July 22, 2006

mornin ppl.its saturday again.a time fer me to relax n enjoy da comfort of ma home.gee~then its back to scool again.sumtimes,im juz tired of leadin tis borin life.repeatin da same cycle everyday of a week.oh,wel.tis is life.sheesh~

went out wit gler yest.we wore green again.mcm janji gitu.we went to find bestie's present.after a couple of rounds arnd far east,we found da rite one.chose one fer her n one fer diff patterns.yup2.then,i asked him to accompany me to bugis.over dere,i bought a clutched handbag n da faded jeans skirt i've been eyein.i loike~

i've been craving fer coconut drink.n at last,i got it.wee~!hehe.then gler was craving fer his choc chip peppermint ice cream.n he got,we walked to sungei rd.yah,da karanguni lelong least,dats wat i call it.nice place.fer those hu wants cheap2 second-hand bargains.gee~n he's juz in lurve wit ma perfume.he cun stop smellin ma cute lah he.

then.its time to go home.mummy was screamin her lungs out on da phone,askin me to go home.isk~at dat time,i suddenly felt tired of havin to lie to her everytime.i juz wanted to blurt out to her da real truth.gosh~blah3.reached home at,mummy didnt scream her ass off.i gues she cld c i was tired n cnt be bothered.

to him:

as i lay on ur shoulders
holdin on to ur hands
i suddenly realised
wat all tis means.

at dat point of time
i didnt wana let you go
i wanted tis thang to last
coz im so afraid to lose you

wit tears wellin up ma eyes
i wept silently
holdin on tighter to you
i cherish these last moments
prayin u wun ever let go

to her:

i dun mind we ignorin one another
i juz dun want you to hate us
im beginnin to accept da fact
i dun bother makin thangs beta again
i noe it wun werk
so,lets juz cntinue wit our lives
wit memories as what's left of us.


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