Friday, July 28, 2006

gav bestie's prezzie tis morn.i cld see she was beamin wit least da famous amos cookies was a surprise she didnt expect.n yah,she lurved da bracelet.thank god.hahax.

so.afta scool went straight home.n straightaway slept.frm 1 til 5.gosh~i sleep like a pig.i noe.didnt realised hw sleep-deprived i was.i gues dat pretty much makes up all da sleepin time i lost tis whole week.uhuh.

i jzu finished readin a walk to remember by nicholas sparks.sucha touchin story.dere were tears in ma eyes as i finish readin da book.aww~u guys shld read it.seriously.a very gd ending actoali.nt gona tel wat it is.yah.n nw,im currently readin love story by erich segal.i tink da story's sumtin like a walk to remember.nvm.i'll save ma tears fer ltr.gee~heex.yes,i noe im like readin all da romance,hey.these books tel a diff kind of lurve.da lurve dats so...lurve.hahax.ok,crap.ferget it.i stil enjoy thrillers wokay.i'll get back to readin them afta sumtime. back ma beloved mp3 afta 154697519159 days.almost thought dat da thang dah tgl,nah.he passed it back to me tis worried bout sumone.gosh~i hate to c him in dat situation.dun feel gd bout it.god noes wat its like.haish.'s a quote i got frm
erich segal's love story.its goes like tis, 'love means never having to say sorry.'ok.does it mean dat i shldnt say sorry to him wataver mistake or situation we're in?hmm.hahax.ok,i dun quite get it.mayb u cn help me figure it out.til here gone.n yah.i miz you.a lot.enuf saed.


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