Wednesday, July 26, 2006

yes.finali.a decent pic of mine.heex.yes2.i noe i always put up emo pics of me.doesnt mean i am wokay~!no,im nt.hehe.ok2.its oreadi wed.dila jzu went off frm ma house.she was here juz to do sum thangs.uhuh.

ok.we were playin captain's ball+dodgeball+handball(all in one) durin p.e lesson juz nw.when da unthinkable happens.oh,no!ok,im exaggeratin hu wldnt when ur beloved watch broke??noooooooooooo..wel,da obvious reason y im depressed here is coz dat watch is da one gler bought fer me n,n...its our couple watch!!*sob2*im rili cryin over here.i rili am.heex.ok,stop all da drama.despite dat,it actoali cn be repaired.its nt like da screen crashed or it cn be repaired.yes,it goin to da watch shop 2ml to get it done.yes,n then everythang wil be fine.uhuh.hahax.irma belo.

s.s mock prelim exams r next week.i've nt prepared anitin fer it yet.bcoz im nt even sure if we're havin lee's cndition is gettin werse.gosh~nvm.niwaez,i've been sleepin early these two days.oh,no~!im nt usuali like tis.i haven't been stayin up at nite to study at all.tis is so ridiculous.sheesh~i hav to stay up 2nite.i cun start slackin at tis time of da,on da other hand.i sumtimes feel tired of havin to push maself past da limits.n then lukin liek a zombie at scool n not even listenin to wat da teacher is teachin.which is werse?hmm.i dun tink its da latter.oh,nvm.its onli fer a few mths.i cn endure it.rite?yah.i cn.gee~

i haven't been in cntact much wit guys nwadays.i gues im pretty much preoccupied wit ma own thangs.i tink im losin cntact wit helmy.fer personal reasons i dun wish to disclose.i miz chattin wit ali n reza.n most of all.i miz ma gler.oh,gdness.when r we mitin again?i duno.u duno.da public duno.hahx.ok,lame.i duno where dat came frm.isit frm sumone?yah,i gues so.

til here startin to listen to saosin's songs.kinda nice lah.ok2lah.wataverlah.i gtg.bye ppl.


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