Thursday, August 03, 2006

.nvr a guilty conscience.

i jzu dun understand you.n i thought afta almost 3 yrs of frenship,i'd known everythang bout,i was wrong.either i haven't known u enuf or u hav changed.everytime i see u,i'll tink of da gd old times we've had.i miz u,gurl.i miz u a lot.i noe we cn nvr be da same,u dun hav to show us dat luk on ur face dats supposed to make us super guilty bout da whole situation dat we shld start makin thangs beta nt tryin to push da blame to u.i jzu dun want us to hav dislike fer each hurts me ok.i noe u wun blieve it,u dun hav to do anitin.jzu hear out ma cries.even if u dun wana.

i had a great time watchin da handball comp. todae.though,ma clas didnt get thru to da nxt round.its ok guys.u guys did great.lurve screamin out ur names.cheered fer 4n1 too.bcoz ma gler's playin.n oso sum of ma frens.he played gd.he scored a few goals.though he kinda played a bit rough.i did cheered fer him sia2 aku berjemuran di panas terik,tnggu smpai kul 7.yah,his team got to da finals i glad fer him.

im stil findin da cause of tis thang.r we driftin apart?wats happenin to tis realtionship?r our feelins fer each other stil strong?isit beta fer us to separate?or shld we juz pretend nutin's happened n cntinue on wit tis relationship?i noe we r livin in agony here.we're goin thru a turmoil of emotions.i cun endure it ani longer.i nid to break free.god,help me plz.


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