Saturday, August 05, 2006

.forgetting is harder than forgiving.

nick gave me tis video he made bout our clas.its very touching.yes,it it didnt make me cry.i guess too many tears flowed out oreadi.or isit its nt da time stil enjoyin every moment of it before it ends.soon.n yah.i'll save those mushy-mushy memories fer ltr when we graduate.i'll write long-long bout it.heex.

last nite.i let it all out.afta cnfidin in gler,i've made up ma mind to leave tis matter at rest.i cun afford to b distractin maself frm's wat he told me,'life has to go on.dun let yesterday's incident overshadow ur 2ml.dun keep on flashin back.'to bestie,wat do you tink eh..?n he juz has to call me a silly gurl.ugh,im always da silly gurl to hm.pfft~ok.i'll try findin out da reason to it.other than dat,i hav to resume ma revision.i haven't been doin so fer 2 days!gosh~i missed a lot of it ehk.muz catch up.

i gues im done fer nw's da video dat nick made specially fer 4A.thank you so much ma dear!lup u lots!!n im gona miz u lotsa-lotsa! gone.bye ppl!


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