Tuesday, August 29, 2006

.expect the unexpected.

i learnt dat its no use tryin to make everyone happy,tryin to satisfy to everyone's needs n desires.bcoz,its jzu nt werth it.u wun get credit back.nt dat i even ask fer appreciation.bt at least recognise da hard werk i put thru.im tryin my best to cater to every single person's needs.you dun hav to juz sit dere n cmplain n cmplain n expect us to change thangs jzu fer u.its nt gona help aite.n if u r da onli one hu's havin issues when everyone else's pretty much settled wit da event,then dun expect us to alter da plan jzu to make u happy.geez~its hard enuf bein da organiser,u dun hav to make us feel bad.rite,pei gen?

ok.dat was a bit of release of anger dere.i was jzu a bit irritated by sum ppl's actions.bt,nvm.everyone has their flaws.i dun keep it to heart.hehee.aniwaes.i was in fer one big shock tis morn.mrs cheen was readin out da names fer da 'thumbs up' award.when she mentioned dat da grooming award goes to irma(me!!),i immediately luk up wit a wat-da-hell?? expression on ma face.i was obviously stunned ok.y nt?i wear ankle socks to scool.ma hair's nt exactly da neatest of all cmpared to ma classmates.n ma skirt's tight n above da knee.do i even deserve da award?such an irony.hahx.

other than dat.gler's been goin online when i least expect him to.u noe wat.dun expect too much fer thangs to happen.coz it wun.bt it'll happen when u least expect it.so.always expect da unexpected.til here then.arios amigo.arios amiga.tata.


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