Monday, September 25, 2006

currently pluggin into secondhand serenade's maybe.sucha damn emo song.hahx.nice it from atiqah's,im nt emo rite nw.nice song to listen to.when u're broken.uhuh. random post tis gona b.
eng paper 2 was ok.ok as in difficult.bcoz eng paper 2 has always been difficult fer me.durh~bt,i've seriously rili tried ma very best.i rili wana score high fer eng ok.gosh~n maths paper 2 was rili fine.fine as in i thought i cld finish early n!dere came one blardy qn bout bearings.n u hav to construct a triangle wit da help of da bearings.n its 10 marks!i swear i feel like swearing out loud.fucking shit.noe y?bcoz im an idiot when it cums to bearings.absolutely.haish.i tried ma best to decipher da qn n finish it.rite.

i had a bad dream last nite.i dreamt dat i got a C6 fer ma s.s result.n dat bestie too got da same as freaked me out k.i rili dun wana screw up tis ppr.aiyoh.2ml's da result.n i dun want da dream to cum true.hopefuli.sheesh~

im suddenly tinkin of sumtin bad happenin.k,it may jzu be gettin a bit,its jzu nutin.dun tink too much bout it.yes,i done here.bye ppl.


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