Sunday, October 22, 2006


i was studyin earlier in da day n decided to take a wat did i do?i went to play da comp.i didnt even tink of helpin mummy out coz i thought i was gona cntinue studyin after wasnt even haf an hr when daddy came into da rm nagging away.

so.since i hate to hear him blabbering away,i end up helpin mum da rest of da day.pfft~wat did i do?i helped to
pasang langsir,move da furniture(ok,onli da tv set) and sarong bantal was tedious ok.gosh~n 2ml i hav to help wit da hari raya cooking.since grandmama is livin wit us,all da cuzzins n aunties n uncles wil b gathering at ma house on da firz day.n we'll hav to cook a lot fer them.dey eat a lot lah,bcoz da aunties very lazy to cook.oops~

n yes.i've deleted ma friendster account.y?simply bcoz i cnt be bothered wit it animore.i may open up a new nt leceh lah.hehe.wat more?no more i gues.i'll update more nxt time yarh.bye ppl!


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