Tuesday, December 05, 2006


fuck.i am so not gona go out n apply any fucking forms fer a job.i'll juz stay at home and rot all da way.oh.and eat up on ma parents' money.juz great.and i hate to missing him rite nw.fuck it lah.must i always go thru tis thang?im penniless and i feel hopeless,helpless,useless.all da -less in da werld.oh.gues wat?im havin ma periods rite nw.aargh~!!

yes.im havin my mood swings now.gosh.i give up tryin to find a job.although ma guy's place can do wit more werkers.bt,i dun wana werk dere.due to sum reasons i dun wana disclose.i'd probably tok ma mum into askin ma dear aunts bout tuition.yeah,giving tuition was one of da thangs i wanted to do afta ma o lvls.i juz hope dey trust me enuf to let me teach their children and get them good grades.at least then i cn teach ppl and earn money from it.ok,no offence to those frens whom i've taught/helped wit schoolwerk before.heehee.

its been a week.and i'll only be mitin him on thur.haish.im gettin worried bout him nwadays.i hav no idea why.urh.ma back's aching.i fergot wat to update animore.im gone.bye all.


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