Monday, December 04, 2006

.choose to believe,or not.

LOVE.wat does it mean,exactly?the love u have fer dat special do we define it,really?isit always wonderful?or painful at the same time?bcoz u hav to go thru tis thang called love.

how do u noe dat u r experiencing this feeling dat u cun quite decipher?isit when u cun stop tinkin of him.when he's da last person u tink before u slip & da firz when u wake up.he's da one u're lukin out fer whenever da phone rings or dere's a msg.always givin u butterflies in da stomach whenever u r gona mit him.cursin urself when u ferget to tink bout him even fer a minute(ok,dats ridiculous.).gettin worried over every little thang bout him.willing to do almost everythang fer him.sacrificing fer his sake.pretendin to b happy fer him bt suffering in silence inside bcoz he's happy(ok,wat..??).when u cry bcoz u miss him too much.when u feel dreadful bcoz u cun see him fer even one day.when noein dat he's fine wil ward off all da unpleasant thoughts n worry.when u cun imagine life witout him.

they say find someone hu loves you more than u do,not someone whom u love more.bcoz da person hu loves u more wil nvr leave u fer someone else.bcoz he's found da one he truly loves.bcoz u're da one.bcoz he cun imagine livin witout u.bcoz u're everythang to him.bcoz.bcoz.bcoz.. nt tryin to be a love expert here hokay!!!

im juz cnfused.shld i finali give in and admit it.and save everyone da burden?wat if its not?wat if either of us get hurt?oh,dear god.i jzu cun bear to go thru dat wat if it is true?wil we live happily ever after then?


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