Thursday, January 04, 2007

.flush of memories.

i know its oreadi too late to be wishing a new year.even too late to write down reflections and resolutions.but i know i wun be doing myself any justice by leaving behind 2006 and moving on to 2007 just like that.

2006 has been a year of new beginnings and letting go of certain thangs,at the same time accepting changes and is also a time whereby i began to cherish every moment spent with the loved ones at school and the loved one at heart.

here are a list of thangs i will miss bout my dear 4A:

. the laughter and joy in every lesson.

.the unity we share; when one sleeps everyone else wil sleep.simple reason,the lesson is oh-so-boring.

.the paroxsyms of happiness when we get to know a teacher is absent fer the me,we always get free periods.
.the arguments when it cums to planning any event.

.early in the morn,when everyone wil be rushing to copy homewerk.even during lessons and free much fer being the top class in scool.

.elakeyaa's chatter.that is one thang i will miss most bout her.witout her in our clas,it seems so quiet.she is one of those few hu can give life to tis class.

.gordon wit his lame jokes. whenever we argue,he wil end up wit crappy explanations dats difficult to be deciphered.

.nick wit his funny+lame+dirty jokes.he's also another person to be bringing the class up.

.zheng bao and edmund.ah bao is so straight and blur-blur sotong. with his very chubby cheeks,it all makes him the cutest person i cn ever meet.and edmund is always teasing ah bao.funny guy.

.gettin all noisy when it cums to discussion but all quiet when given an assignment to be finished by the end of period.

.the girls' screams and everyone else's laughter when it comes to playing captain's ball durin p.e's so fun dat we always end our p.e lesson late.

.praying hard dat there'll be no structured remedials.bcoz then everyone wil heave a huge sigh of relief and go home wit a smile on their faces.

.dere are a lots more memories but i just cun seem to remember them.all in all,the one thing that i will cherish and treasure the most bout my dear 4A is the bond and closeness we created since sec 3.i will never want tis to end.

as fer my dear gundu deng-deng.of course i will miss her a lot-lot.we were very close in 2006.sitting beside each other in almost every lesson.although i always say im sick and tired of seeing her face 24/7,actoali im grateful fer it.when im down,she will do sumtin to cheer me up.when im tryin to steal a nap durin clas,she wil try to nudge me and wake me up.a precious time spent with her.bcoz i duno if we'll ever be able to see each other again every single day and tolerating each other's crap.and to eqa too.not so fond memories together tis im thankful dat da incident has taught me a lot of thangs.a great fren u once were,a great person u wil always be to huever gets to noe u.

bt, other thang dat i will miss the most in my secondary scool life is my dear gler.he's one person whom im always eager to see in scool.the one hu gives me another reason to endure the teachers and school life.since i was in sec 2,i've been lukin out fer him,making sure he's present.bcoz then it means he's not sick.we dun tok much in scool.but we share tis bond that cun be broken no matter what.a lot of ups and downs together.but its great to noe a person like lucky and thankful fer it.

a list of thangs i will miss bout him in scool:

.stealing glances at him in scool every single day.

.lukin out fer the next lesson he'll be goin.i noe almost all of his timetable,witout his knowledge of cos.

.waitin at least 10 mins fer him to arrive to go scool together.and then gettin all pissed off at which wun last long.
.but at times,he'll be super early.he wun cmplain when he'll hav to wait at my void deck fer a freaking 1/2 hr.

.gettin chocs from him.i love! & sumtimes exchanging chocs.its love.
.walkin to scool wit him.bcoz dats where most of our arguments take place.
.finali,i juz miss havin him arnd durin scool.its different when u r in da same many thangs happened.i juz miss it.a lot.

ok.quite a long actoali in a i may miss on certain thangs.and now i can move on to 2007 with a brand new chapter that's ready to be filled with all the happy times and the bad ones while at the same time anticipating imminent challenges that come in the way with a matured mind.

oh,wait.i dun hav a resolution,fer once.bcoz i juz cun think of,yes.i nid at least sumtin to keep me goin fer the year. and,so.i wld like to treasure the time spent with the loved ones and be thankful fer everythang that happens; hoping fer a better he says,tomorrow is a new day.


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