Thursday, May 24, 2007


i had waffle with ice cream at SIM just now.and i feel funny after that.i stil do,i tink.

hello,hello!im finali updating afta i-duno-how-many days oreadi! yey fer me!heh.oh,no.i feel hot again.mucus is threatening to spill out of my throat feels funny.and the ulcer on my toungue is killing me.gasps!

lets see.where should i start uh?a lot of events have been happening.oklah,lets start from zin's bday party on sat.had a blast!snapped pictures!gile-gile with the sec sch peeps( read: hon,khai,the monyets)! it was just sumhow a getaway from the harsh reality of life.ho,well.aku sbnrnya malas nak upload,no pictures up ok?sorry ppl.

hmmm.wat more?oh,drama auditions.for this malay production for this competition.we are supposed to act different emotions from the script given and sing afta that.gues which one did we focus on?singing.-_-""fhm-fhm lah ehk sesape yang gi audition tu.heh.

i was the first to go.was a bit disappointed with myself.bcoz they asked me to act like a prostitute.and i totally blank out lah can?when its so easy to act like one.haiyak.and since i was the first,they had no high,i didnt rili act out a few emotions,unlike the my singing was ok i gues.the first time i sing my heart out to a few people.accomplishment baybeh.hah.gler,next time i will sing to you ok?just wait fer the next time lah.nyehehe.

the result's tonite.hmmm.i duno if im rili hoping to get selected.since i onli went fer the audition fer the sake of going.bcoz i dun wana burden myself with another task on top of my nvr-ending assignments/projects.hmmm.

ok,yes.i have a problem with my class now.i didnt blog bout it bcoz i thought the problem was with me.and i dun wana stress myself out thinking of the whole issue.its been a month and a half now.things are getting werse.though,at least now i know why they are treating me like hurts me to be pains me to witness evidence of their ignorance.i feel like crying at times.but i told myself that they are not the reason why im in this course.

i have nvr been in this kinda situation before.i am nvr the quiet one who gets ignored.the one who's being left out.i am nvr invisible.and i am nvr quiet.gawd,i just miss how i used to be in 4A.

judgemental.thats what they are.i know i made a mistake by not hanging out with them in the first week of scool.damn,i can interact better with ppl from other classes ok.i tried to talk with my i cun.or rather,they didnt let me in,didnt give me the chance to.bcoz they oreadi judge me even before knowing who i rili am.FUCK.

i know im not the only one going thru the same thing.a big FUCK YOU to those who are being judgemental.lets see how YOU feel when you are in our i wish they are reading this blog of mine.oh,wait.if they did,then they will hate me more.fights may even happen.ah,things are getting werse niwae.they think im not werth hanging out with.oh, not on the losing hand.they are.hah.

oh.sorry fer the very angered entry above.guess im letting it all out.i tink im stopping here.umm,drama ppl didnt msg nor did they call.gues im not good enuf then.ok,shut done here.bye-bye!


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