Wednesday, May 09, 2007

.last night. is at home rite now.& will b going out again ltr fer worn out,yes i am. but not so much as the past week.i hardly have time fer myself since scool starts.always complyin to everythang that's demanding to be done.haish.

oklah,im not here to complain and rant bout how tired i am.bcoz everyone else i noe are also goin thru the same thing.sum even exception fer me.i just had one more assignment piled up onto my workload.i noe the deadline is nowhere near.but i can oreadi feel the panic rising.hah.mass communications is indeed very tough.huhu. i've said,i've been so worn out this past week.all started since the mcc foc which im nt even gona comment bout it.because.its just less than exciting offence ok.having lack of slip,stayin up late at nite to rush in finishin assignments,cumin to sch as early as 8am fer 3 days now.the only thang i was lukin ferwerd to was mitin dear luv.and i rili had a wonderful monday nite wit him.i cld just ferget eveythang and drop all burden off my shoulder that nite.thank you.

oh, late.i havent even bathed yet.and its oreadi 4.40.i hav to mit kiki at 5.45.yikes!i hav lots more to perhaps another time.farah,bsk jd tk??uh,to those hu tagged me,thank you so much bt i will reply to them sum other time.sorry.zima,will relink you soon ok?iman,will relink you when i remember to ok?and,and.yah,im gone.



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