Thursday, May 03, 2007


i am tempted to cut my hair.(read: equals disaster)
and indulge myself in more chocolates than im having now.(read: plan A to get fat)
and buy my all-time fav mocha frap from starbucks.(read: sumone pls treat her!)
and to go shoppin again with bestie.(read: she's broke!)
and to cabut work tonite.(read: she wants to resign!)
and i want so much to meet gler now.( read: 2 more weeks to go! yikes!)

i have 1 more project assignment in addition to the 3 i oreadi is so new to me im afraid i'll be slower in catching up than the rest.oh,my.and the deadline fer my CATS individual assignment is tml,by when am i gona hand in mine?just before 5pm.:)hehe.hey,i've got my idea oreadi ok.i just nid to get my lazy butt down to actually doing it.hah.

and to bestie,pls dun give me that look.i noe i shldnt be werkin tonite since i hav practical 2ml at i nid to.wish me luck cnvincing this manager of mine to let me go.i want to resign!cannot tahan lah sey!

oh,how i wish i was still a pri/sec scool student.i just nid to rack my brains out fer exams and afta tat,one month break!woohoo!-_-""oklah,i noe lah dat i wil hav exams and long break later.that is in a few mth's time.sheesh~

and,speaking of which.i was goin thru my pictures yang dari zaman polis pkai seluar pendek. and i found this:

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kononnye cute lah tu.bluecks~

ok,im done here.i have to get ready fer werk lah!bye-bye!


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