Saturday, June 23, 2007

.imaginations run wild.

hello.haha.ok,i suddenly sumhow forgot what to write starving rite now.toodoo-toodoo.

rite.the two week break wasnt exactly a break fer me.besides rushing to meet deadlines and project discussions,i've been working a lot.but its a gd thang.cos the money comes in.and i can distract myself from wataver's bothering usuali,werk was extremely exhausting especially now that im a BOH(back of house) staff.however,since i've been werking frequently now,im gettin closer with the colleagues times we have,esp with ijah.too bad i can onli werk once a week when sch reopens.

oh.and im missing most of my nyahs rite now.which includes feeqah,fiqa,fiza,amalia,dayah and adi.and mel oso can?animore?oh,well.cldnt make it fer the outing 2ml cos abg mamat's gettin married.c u nyahs soon ok?miss u ppl lah.

and i've been reading books since the start of the term break.oh,how i just love spending time alone with finali i got the time can?i've finished with Tess Gerritson's Vanish and now im hooked onto Sarah O'Brien's A Girl Thing.if u love The Surgeon and The Apprentice,u'll definitely love Vanish.and im almost finished on A Girl Thing.wonder wats the next book im borrowing?hmm.haha.sorry.excuse me fer bein a bookworm geek fer a always.

a proper entry i supposed?oh.currently addicted to Liar by Taking Back Sunday and And If You're Gone by 3dash1.Avril's When You're Gone is good too.and a few done here.till then ppl.nite-nite!

oh,this feeling.
its making me restless.
the sleepless nights.
and the silent cries.
tell me it'll be over soon.
i miss you,boy.


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