Tuesday, October 04, 2005

u noe wat?whenever i tink of popcorn or whenever i see da werd popcorn or even whenever i eat popcorn or rili even whenever i buy popcorn..wat a sec..lemme rephrase tis whole thang..ok..whenever i cum across popcorn,i always think back on da times when me n tis guy had fun goin out 2gether wit our families..whoots! k,tis guy is actoali ma cuzzin!!he's a guy,duh..same age as me,duh..bt one ting..he's sooo cute and soo tall!!!!i loikes!!!aaaahhhh!!!i hav an obsession over hm!! khekekeke...y popcorn?lemme tel a short story..jeng3..jeng2..hahaha...
tis is how it goes..late last yr,ma famili n his went to msia fer a holiday 2gether...at firz,we dun tok much..each doin his own thangs..then,as days pass by we began to warm up to each other..tokin n makin jokes, even bcumin close!oops~!cey..jeng2..then,tis one nite,we were inside tis store and buyin food..i had helped hm take sum food fer hm and stuff like dat..he had asked me to,surprisingly..(at dat time,i hav no idea wat flirtin means..whoots!)then,sumting funny happened when he was takin popcorn....i cun remember wat bt i remember dat it was damn funny..hahax..i rili had fun goin out wit hm wit ma family..afta dat,we dun tok animore..oh wel,u noe..we growin up n each gettin more shy..u get wat i mean?yea..gosh!he's been ma long time crush ever since dinosaur times!!cey..mcm real gitu!!haha..lame story..
haish..i sprained ma ankle last nite at..oops!i dun tink i wana tel where it is dat i fell coz its so embarassing!ehem,nt da toilet yah..so 2dae i went to scool wit a slight limp n bandage all over ma ankle..and guess wat?da guys in ma clas r soo bad!!esp. gordon n rili esp hisham!!gordon calls me pai kia whisch means limp or sumtin like dat lah..n hisham says ma feet smell juz boz im wearin slippers..watsmore,he's been teasin all da time!!darn dat guy!!haish..orite,enuf of dat..so...2ml exams!!!2ml puase!!!mlm nie terawih!!!ahaikzz..juz cun wait fer it..!!hey guys,see..im cheerin up rite..yes i am...hahaha..as he said..2ml is a new day..haha..wil always remember dat..so...to all hong kah lites,goodie luck fer ur exams 2ml!!n to all da muslims around da werld, happy fasting!!!chiowzz baby!!oow!!


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