Wednesday, October 12, 2005

im not feelin too gd rite nw..i duno y..juz nw was fine..i guess da book dat i juz finished readin had a great impact on me..cun blieve i've actoali finished a book in one day..tis shows juz how dorky i stil am despite all da is so unpredictable..death too..u'll nvr noe when u wil lose ur loved ones..mayb 2dae u were hapi wit them and da next day dey r gone frm tis werld...tulah kebesarannya made me realise sumtin..young ppl enjoy too much..dey ferget dat dey r not da onli ones livin in tis werld..dey enjoy too much until dey ferget dat anytin unpredictable cn happen to them anytime..i nvr want to lose ma frens,even loved ones..and to ma peeps hu hav been smokin..pplz guys..dun waste ur lives...u ppl r stil young...plz live ur lives to da fullest..i rili pity u guys,seriously..its like u guys r victims to tis smokin,to all ma frens out dere hu smokes plz stop smokin cn?or if u cun,at least cut down on da intake of cigarretes..haish..farah,is wat u saed all true??i dun even noe wat im feelin rite nw..tis is me..2dae hapi,2ml farah,he's juz soo sure of dat..he's juz tryin to show hw darin he cn be..plz dun lemme tink of those tings again..or isit im runnin away frm all tis shit?wat is it dat i want?i duno..i seriously hav no startin to tink back on wat farah had juz saed to me tis i dun wana tink bout it...and nw i cun run away frm tis thoughts..its makin me more cnfused than ever..da one qn dat ma gurls wil always be askin..if he wants u to be his gurl again,wil u accept hm?and ma answer is i duno coz i noe it'll nvr happen..i dun like tis qn..i nvr liked i want to accept hm??


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