Tuesday, October 11, 2005

aloo!!haha..at last,bio paper is over!!!whoots!!i loikes!section b was tough like hell..da qns r damn cnfusin ya noe..and yah,i left da part of qn bout villi tingy..damn,i didnt even study wel fer da paper..oh,wel...im gona do wel fer chem paper...i cn do it,yes i cn...jeng3...padahal2...hmm,last nite slept real late..dats y i got tis ugly dark circles under ma eyes..oh wel..nope,nt bcoz of studyin..bt wel,bcoz i was smsin wit hm til 1 in da morn..tis time,we had a lot of tings to tok bout..i even put aside ma bio notes..coz i cun cncentrate at all..haha..we tok bout wats da werld cumin to,bout les & butch,bout da significance of ma name..damn,he like ma sakinah a lot...and wel,oso bout our past...jeng3...khekeke..it was real fun last nite...i was in a hapi mood n he was makin jokes all da time...kwang3..he saed dat die tk serik2 walaupun da kene reject..coz he's one kpale batu guy...veri degil...samelah like me...so,wat happens when degil bertembung wit degil?of coz each wil nt giv up no matter wat..jeng3..haha..then he asks if he cn try to get me again..i was like trylah kalo tk serik agi..and he was liek goin fer it...lawak ehk kiteorg bobl pkai dinda ngan kanda...khekeke..i was rili happi last nite..i dun even care if he has a gurl...bt u noe wat?i was veri playful dat i put aside am feelins..seriously,i tink he was juz jokin lah...im nt tryin to cnvince maself..rili,i didnt even take it seriously..oh,wel...bt dere's one ting dat im afraid..i dun want farah to tel hm of ma feelins!!danger2..haha..farah..jgn blg die tau..nanti aku marah,tuhan pun marah...kwang3...hahaa...kk...enuf of dat laughin...dats all i guess..toodles!!


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