Wednesday, October 05, 2005

alermak!!bingit tk terhingga sey!!aarghh!!nari aru firz day puase..aru plan nk terawih mlm nie..skali period came!!!aiyoyo thambi!!amah apah help me lah!!ma period cum oreadylah!!last yr nye hutang dahlah lum byr abes..hish!!ok..last nite,mummy urutkn ma ankle which is so painful to da max ehk..die kate ma kaki salah urat..haish..tulah..jln mate ltk dlm pocket..cubalah buka mata tu bsr2 skit..cey..khekeke..then,got tis bengkak at da ankle area dere..haish..hope it wil get well soon..u noe sumtong?at scool,i onli pretended to walk like normal esp when goin down da stairs..actoali its sort of hurts uh..aiyoyo thambi..kk..enuf of da thembi..
hmm...eng paper 1 was easy..dere were a few tittles bt i chose bout a trip which u enjoyed very much..and definitely i wrote bout ma trip to perth durin da june hols!!like duh..dgn penuh semangat gue critekn psl trip tu tau..cey..hope i get high aimin to get at lest b4 fer eng..y?coz tat is da min mark to take mass comm!!arrgh!!i cn do it,yes i cn!!cey..jeng3..jeng2..physics was a kind of im determined to pass ma physics..and nt get F9 like mid yr!!whoots!! tats all i guess..2ml's paper r s.s n geo..i noe i cn pas ma s.s wel,juz hav to mit tommy lee's mark,dat is 35/50..hope i cn achieve it..yes i cn!!hahah!!as fer geo,i cn pas..jzu dat i hav to get better grades..yah,tats it..whoots!!i hope to do beta fer da exams n beat hisham or mayb,possibly rong xian in clas position..hope to maintain at 5th position..jeng3..jeng2..whoots!!


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