Saturday, October 15, 2005

gd mornin ppl..ok,mayb nt exactly morn..its 1135 n bout to get aftanoon..woke up at 1030 juz nw..i was damn tired frm last nite..hmm..yesterday went to geylang..wel at firz,we went to little india coz zinny wanted to window shoppin dere..and ended up buyin 3 bags fer $10..wel,dere were me,bestie,zinny,dila,iffa n her sis,omar,bear,hafis,den n ahmad,yah dere we go..afta tat,we headed to geylang..and walk thru da bazaars dere..then we saw a grp of da sec 2's too..bout 6 like dat we headed to da coffee shop where dila recomended..phew!we were lucky to get 11 seats fer all of us..coz da place's gettin crowded wit ppl..then,me n dila tried findin places at other coffeeshops..and then..we saw niggas!!ooh,i loikes!!ow!!haha..we oso saw a few minahs which both of us hate a lot..okie,im not gona further kutuk them coz i dun wana any minah hu accidentally read ma blog to kutuk me in return..enuf of dat..and so,went back to da coffeeshop an dwe began orderin food..which was a lot,i heck..sum of da guys did not fast..i dun even care bout,durin buke time..i tink we were da most kecoh lot..haha..zin drank 2 cups of ice lemon tea n milo..and i tink tat wasnt even enuf..haha..skali,got tis man tat came wit his camera n took our firz all of us were like,r we goin to cum out in da newspaper?ahaikz..typical wel,dat man was jzu takin pictures fer hobby..i guess he cld see hw kecoh n bonded we r durin eatin..whoots..afta eatin,we headed to joo chiat to find zinny's shoes..durin which,da guys except hafis were front of which i dun like it..y?coz i hate it when guys smoke in front of me..i dun care if dey r smokers.jzu dun smoke in front of me..hate dat a lot..haish,enuf of dat..and so zinny took quite sum time to get da rite shoes..afta dat all of us headed home coz we were kinda exhausted..we took bus 7 to clementi..and wel,in da bus..we were veri da kecoh..whoots..we played truth or which ahmad n den were liek so darin..gosh..we dared ahmad to kiss omar on da cheeks..damn,was it disgusting liek hell..haha..dere were oso other funny stuff..we were makin a hell lot of noise at da bus..gosh..typical malay teenagers..cun help bein one of them..reached clementi and we separated..farah needed to reach home by 10 n it was oready,we were like rushin to da mrt station..and damn ma legs were cramped frm walkin too last reached bout 1030 i guess..and darn was i tired to da max..haha..mummy didnt scream like i tink sum parents do when their kids reached home late..she was like cool askin me bout ma outin..hmm...actoali all da way i was kinda quiet...i..actoali hav sum complications dat nobody knew bout..nt even ma bestie..nt even hm..zin knew a lil bit bt not much..i hav sum family probs..n yah,plus ma stupid idiotic feelins which i cun rid..yah,like ali saed life has to go on rite..ok,i tink im tokin too much..u guys muz be bored readin tis longest!!


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