Friday, October 21, 2005

aloo peeps..whoots..nw i feel sum sort of rejuvenated...i tink dats da werd to describe it..i was damn pissed off wit np..gosh..haish..mem mcm sial jek bg 30 pumping and we had to endure 2-3 mins of pumpin position,da standard position of push ups..y?juz bcoz sum of da ppl were late fer da expected time..haiz..and bcoz of dat,ma back's hurtin n im havin leg cramps(he's gona scold me if he hears tis)...oh,wel..juz nw durin buke,mummy n daddy were bz tokin bout air stewardess..and arguing bout whether emirates or SIA planes r better companies..daddy once told me dat i cld werk as an air stewadess fer like 2 yrs..then find another job..i mean,its a gd experience ya,wel..i heard dat u nw need A level certs to bcum one..i noe i cn make it to,i rili dun wana crack ma brains doin A levels..oh,wel..whoots..scool was juz ok..mornin assembly,i was in da canteen discussin wit da campfire committee bout da psl cum sl camp..b4 recess,met azizah bout da bengkel mlyu..she wanted da ting to b nxt thurs..which sucks totali..she tinks we hav a lot of time to one dare negotiate wit her..nt even faizal..its like da way she say it was like its her final say n nobody cn change her decision..gosh..then,i got was oklah as i cn endure..taught da sc 1's drills wit was oklah..i mean,i noe long ago dat i cn werk wel wit hm..i tink..yah..reached home and i headed straight to ma rm..and hit da bed b4 closin ma eyes..yes,juz closin ma eyes..nt,nt sleepin..khekeke..padahal2..bathed n actoali tired..seriously tired to da all da energy been used up oready..kwang3..thought of smsin, tired..u noe..tngklah kalo tk tertdo siang mlm nie..hmm..haish..2ml im havn a mitin at j.e lib bout da campfire stuff and then cntinue another mitin bout ma taridra..haish..i cn survive..yes,i cn..jeng3..jeng2..khekekeke..then,2ml nite goin to johor to buy ma baju raye..and mit da not so cute bt stil cute guy werkin at pizza hut..whoots!!til here then..toodles..!


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