Tuesday, October 18, 2005

gd evenin ppl..hmm...juz finish ma break fast..hmm..duno y bt im stil feelin tired n sleepy even afta i've slept juz nw..guess i nid more beauty sleep so dat i cn get rid of those ugly dark circles under ma eyes dats makin me uglier by da minute..haha..padahal2..discovered more bloggies frm ma scoolmates..hmm..i duno if i shld be haprie or even proud of tis..bt i got da highest fer eng..which is juz an average 62/100..hmm,mayb small applause..jeng3..khekeke..bt i noe i've achieved ma target fer eng which is at least b4..if i cntinue to werk hard fer ma eng..i cn definitely achieve ma target of takin mass comm..yesh..haha..other than dat,did not do rili wel fer e maths coz got a lot of careless mistakes..haiyo..haish..bt wel,i tink mayb i'll get an A fer e maths..fer a maths,hopefuli da overall wil b a B at least..hmm..2dae is such a borin day..got a lot of free periods since exams r over..slept haf da period of mly..dat buih didnt cum scool..bio lesson was fun hearin da guys playin tis game..veri da furnie..haha..ok,if last time,sleepin at 1 in da morn wil nt be a prob fer me..bt since its been a long time since i did dat..so im rili sleepy frm sleepin late last nite..i smsed hm last nite bt he didnt rply..so,i gav up n sleep..skali bout an hour ltr,he rplyed back..cun resist it so sms2 wit hm..then,skali den plak msg..so lyn die jgak..nice gettin to noe hm..great guy minus his temper..hmm..nasib ma bil cum at da 18th every mth..phew..if nt,naiklah bil ku..aiyoh,dahlah gue sndiri yg byr..and,so..last nite smsin wit hm was fun as usual..juz dat every time im rplyin his msg,im haf sleepin..whoots..kheke..hmm..he..er..he wants to woo me back again..die tk serik2 agi..mayb wat zinny saed is true..dat he stil has feelins fer me..haish..shld i b hapi?n immediately tel hm of ma feelins too?i duno if im doin dat..i mean,if i ever tel hm..he wil noe n of cos he wil be delighted..bt then..it oso means dat he cn finali get me..bt..wel..im lurvin livin da life of a single..its been more than year dat i've been single..shld i giv up tis life?im scared dat i'll be tied down..i remember last time,he used to get jealous at every guy i know even when we r nt a couple..hmm...im...erm..cun blieve im typin tis..im actoali scared to go into another relationship again..scared to be tied down coz i hate ppl cntrollin ma life..scared dat ma heart wil b broken..haiz...what shld i do?i guess..i wil jzu hav to let da future decide..i dun try to tink too much of it..oh,wel..dats hw ma day goes..tirin,borin,unsure..dats hw it is..oh yea..u noe wat?im kinda bz lately..n i totali fergot dat ma bdae's cumin in 15 days time..i tink so..its on 2nd nov..oh,wel..chiowzz baby..


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