Thursday, October 20, 2005

2dae i hav veri veri sad ppl,plz plz cry..even if u cun..make those tears cum out..rili..haha..ok,stop da sarcasm u sarcastic bitch..ok,2dae msia's pm ahmad badawi's wife has juz passed away frm breast muz be veri heartbreakin fer hey,juz nw watch tv1(semngt sey) and saw dat he's veri calm n remorse..yah,strong guy..whoots..haiz..made me remembered those loved one has had breast cancer once..i was veri terrified dat i wld lose dat person..luckily,dat person has recovered and is stil livin..i mean,i cn relate u noe..hw it feels like when u noe dat person u loved has cancer...i even found out wat kind of cancer dat person had was heartbreakin indeed..ok,u ppl cn now wipe ur tears back coz im gona be tokin bout other thangs..khekeke..kwang3..scool 2dae was absolutely,extremely and veri much borin..and sumore it was teachers,u cun blame us if we r sleepy n sum of us fell asleep..durin recess,i saw his ex runnin around like sum monkey(oops)..skali,she fell face down while runnin afta her fren wit a racket..wakakaka..kakla to da max ehk..kwang3..afta recess,got police talk..which i've had fer 2 times juz tis yr alone..bout sayin 'no' to theft..again..and da presenter is dat same old bitchy police officer..oops..hong kah lites wil noe wat im tokin bout..afta dat,got tis oh-so-borin counselling survey..which had me sleepin fer 10min..oh,wel..then,last period was physics..all of us stupidly waited fer our dear mr wee outside da comp which we sitted(xcept me n dila) like sum anak,while bestie n mirah went to luk fer our dear mr wee,me n dila were tokin bout thangs..yah,we r gettin close tis yr..hmm..skali mr wee dtg 1/2hr ltr n told us we cld go home..darn dt,straightaway went to np rm fer mitin..then,went home..da usual old borin routine..oh,yah..he didnt cum to scool again 2dae..muz be lazy to cum..dat lazybum(oops)..oh,wel..he saed he doesnt care animore wat i wana say bout hm coz he has given up..given up on wat ppl wana say bout hm..oh,yea..he's like dat..he doesnt care wat ppl wana say bout hm..ok,stop repeatin da sentences u dumb bitch..i dun like to,i'll jzu let hm entry's r long day by if u ppl r gettin bored readin ma cool wit it..haha..chiowzz ppl....


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