Monday, May 04, 2009

.blueberry nights.

this post is going to be very very short.
because i have lecture tomorrow at 8 in the morning.

don't know if can wake up or not.
i seriously feel like pon-ing but good ol' kiki reminded me not to.

i should be sleeping soon but i just finished Twilight and am really tempted to start on New Moon.and fuck,Twilight is so much like a love story i had some adjusting to do cos its been ages since i last read a romance themed wonder bestf fell in love.E was damn hot in the book!

before i went home just now, ate and chilled at cheers with kiki,fahmi and amirr.i have to admit with the newly year ones coming in,im starting to miss my year three seriously,where were those times we all used to hang out together?

and then when i reached home,there's mcdonalds.-.- you tell me lah how to control my diet like this.alas,i had half a mcspicy and fries.

tomorrow lecture at 8a.m.
haish times infinity lah.

oklah.this is supposed to be a short post right.
i think im gonna start on New Moon lah.
bye lah bye lah.

and she said,'if we're meant to be,we're meant to be'.


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