Saturday, March 14, 2009

.an unlikely story.

currently listening to The Sally's, An Unlikely a happy happy girl cos i finally located Straits Records at Jln Kubor and bought the album.and their hidden track is haha!i have nothing to say.

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i know.there is no way i can turn back time and hope for things to be like how it used to.because things have,i move the long run,things either become worse or better.what i do now is,i try to save, pick up whatever remains i can and have left and be contented with whatever's left for thing i am sure of though.nasi tak pernah jadi bubur.because when that happens,then that's when this ends.

the Nyahs end.


have you ever went through this phase where you know that person won't be calling you back and you know you shouldn't be waiting but you still hang on and wait anyway?because despite knowing, you still had this sliver of hope that person would call you back.then you think you're being still wait anyway.

if having high hopes kill, then isn't not having any impossible at all?

your love brightens my dimmest light
makes my heart beat faster than before
and as days passed i'm gonna love you more
i promise.


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